Net Zero Consulting

Paving the future
5 steps To Net Zero
Step 1
Measure Carbon Inventory
Understanding your position within an industry and/or region helps to gauge performance and prepare actionable next steps.
Step 2
Minimize Waste
Our advanced calculations and modeling help corporations to identify waste and take action to reduce leaks and wastages.
Step 3
Increase Energy Efficiency
Across business operations, energy efficiency can be increased by using special technologies and materials in facilities, production plants, tools and equipment, and by optimizing work processes and methods.
Step 4
Restructure Energy Usage
Increasing use of renewable energy in business operations while minimizing use of fossil fuel will reduce overall GHG emissions. Our CarbonLens system enables enterprises to accurately track and monitor carbon emission reduction efforts in real time.
Step 5
CCUS and/or Carbon Offsets
Businesses can offset unavoidable carbon emissions through carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) or trading. We provide end-to-end carbon asset management services covering all trading entities and products in compliance and voluntary carbon credit markets.
How MioTech Helps
MioTech provides
end-to-end consulting service
along your net-zero journey
MioTech Carbon Accounting Solutions
Carbon Account & Reporting
Carbon Account & Reporting
Calculating how much carbon an event, corporate, financial institute, or country emits.
Carbon Account & Reporting
Calculating how much carbon an event, corporate, financial institute, or country emits.
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Life Cycle Analysis
Life Cycle Analysis
A methodology that assesses the positive or negative environmental impacts born from the life cycle of a commercial product, process or service. The environmental concerns monitored include climate change, energy consumption, water print, acidification and ozone depletion, to name a few.
Life Cycle Analysis
A methodology that assesses the positive or negative environmental impacts born from the life cycle of a commercial product, process or service. The environmental concerns monitored include climate change, energy consumption, water print, acidification and ozone depletion, to name a few.
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GHG Reduction Roadmap
GHG Reduction Roadmap
Identifies cost effective strategies and approaches to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across a corporate, supply chain and/or financial portfolio.
GHG Reduction Roadmap
Identifies cost effective strategies and approaches to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across a corporate, supply chain and/or financial portfolio.
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Carbon Account & Reporting
Life Cycle Analysis
GHG Reduction Roadmap
MioTech Carbon Accounting Solutions
Climate Change Due Diligence (CCDD)
Reviewing, analysing and predicting external risks and opportunities in the dual-carbon context.
Help to improve enterprise production energy efficiency, green/low-carbon value of products and services, and green equity asset value.
Climate Transitional Risk Assessment
MioTech specialists can help you to understand your company’s / portfolio’s exposure to the business transition effects of climate change and to the likely regulatory and economic impacts of the shift to a low-carbon economy.
Climate Physical Risk Assessment
By helping clients to collect and analyze the following data:
Geographic location information
Asset conditions
Climate variables
We calculate the uncertain financial losses caused by climate risk factors to customer assets and operations, and provide financial loss forecasts for companies under different climate disaster conditions.
Scenario Analysis
Utilise the latest physical and social science of climate change to understand your risks and opportunities
Identify impacts across the entire value chain
Guide quantification of financial impacts at the asset, portfolio and business level
Integrate climate-risk in strategy and develop strategic responses; and factor climate risk in investment strategies
Climate Risk (TCFD) Reporting
Help leverage enterprises’ extensive expertise working within the TCFD space to assess the client’s internal capabilities, make specific recommendations against guidelines and deliver a TCFD report for clients and gain a clear roadmap to strengthen their capabilities over the coming years.
Climate Risk Management Consulting
Compare and quantify the Business Response to Climate Change and help clients understand the practical realities of climate change, and how this may require re-shaping investment strategy at firm level, or business strategies at portfolio level.
Especially for
Insurance Companies
Lease Financing
Real Estate
Paper & Pulp Production
Mining Companies
Our Clients